Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Well, it's actually thought of everyday but always back in my minds and yours.
LIFE as we know comes to an end.
We know that You are an 'I' and 'Me' in this life.
I live everyday.
I laugh.
I cry.
I smile.
I beg.
I breathe.
I want.
I need.
I love.
I hate.
I have.
I give.
There are many more things. In this process, I forget that I live alone.
Fine, that we all have parents, friends, families and strangers but again, when I was born I never had these things with me.
It's just funny to think that all what we do is to entertain ourselves and nothing more than that.
Centuries and even before that, when 'FIRE' was invented... all what man could think was of rubbing stones for entertainment.
I mean, he got bored of striking the stone so hard and in numeral times that Fire got invented. That's when the other APE - MEN thought of doing something else.
Well, look what that lead to.
All thanks to them that I am blogging about it and you are actually reading this.
But I again don't know what was I thinking of when I began typing this.
Anyway.. all the thinking and writing and inventions and creations that we do is to
JUST FILL OUR LIVES till we come to an end.
I mean... It's again another Time pass or to fulfill our emptiness.

but hey, that doesn't mean that we give up hopes and stop living our life.
Since we were born to entertain, I think we should stick up to it and
get the best of what we can... I can. :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Radio Stalking

It's nothing new for me to travel the Indian Railways... I do it everyday. I spend 3 hours on a regular basis when I have to go to college. It's somehow unusual for me to listen to radio though. I always have my tiny music player that keeps me happy everyday. I just can't live without listening to music. I need those beautiful compositions made my these wonderful and talented people all around the world. Somehow, one day, the battery went flat as I had not charged my player.So I thought of connecting my earphones to my cell phone. I was in a mood of some desi beats.. So I tuned into some radio channel. I was happy for the fact that there was my favoriate movie soundtrack playing.So I thought of sticking to the radiochannel. I was also happy to get a window seat in the train. The wind is finely making its way through the metal grill and kissing my face. I am loving it. I just wished the train was empty so that I could dance to my favouriate tunes.
All of a sudden, I saw a girl who's around my age..Let's say 20 or so.. who's sitting in front of me. I saw her lip syncing to a song. Oh My God.. It was the same song that I was listening to. It was unusual for me. Normally, I haven't ever thought of someone listening to some music that I listen to when there are like so many other channels. Anyway, I was in my own world.
The song got over and Ads hanuted the radio channel. It gets a little irritating when you want to listen to some music and you get people talking to you over the radio asking you to buy some kind of useless stuff. Considering, I am a massmedia student, its my responsibilty to actually study these ads. Who cares.. At times, I want to do what I want to. So I changed the channel. Got hold of someother song.Precisely then, I saw the girl humming and singing the same song I was listening to. It was freaky. So I thought of changing it. AGAIN.. She changed the channel, it was like she could go through my radio channels and wanted to listen to what I was listening to. She looked at me once.. and smiled.. Hehe. ok. now.. I was like What is this girl upto. She was listening to exact same songs I was listening to.
Does this ever happen?
It just took me by surprise. I was a fun time. I was amused so I played like a tiny game of lets guess what she's listening to and what Channel am I on.. So now I started Radio Stalking her. It kept me busy. It's fun. One should do this sometimes...
It's FUN!

Ting Ting Ti-Ding...

Just because I'm losing, Doesn't mean I am lost...
I just love the way this song goes about. I was not a fan of Coldplay until this song got into me... Coldplay is awesome. There's something about the band, just like anyother fan of the band would agree to me. I don't know why but whenever I listen to the songs by this gorgeous band, I just feel like my life is complete. I get a ray of light. This song really does mean a lot to me. Whenever I feel low, I listen to all kinds of music. My music player is always on random mode, but somehow, this song always makes an appearance. I just love listening to it.
Even YELLOW, it's soo damn good. Oh I wish, sometimes, I had Coldplay in my pocket, I could ask them to play these songs for me anytime.
I don't know why am I typing all of this. But I just feel good. It's never that I am so depressed. I just get the motivation to do something. This time I felt like putting it down on this virtual wall, where I could just express and make others feel the same way.
This is just like a tribute to them.
So, Coldplay.. Here you go..
Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you...!
I always have a smile on my face. Right now, I am SMILING...

Thursday, June 25, 2009


It has been such a rollercoaster ride for me. Past 6 months have taken me for a ride to a different place altogether. The place where you lose yourself and come back as a different person altogether. These few weeks have been so twirling. I left the place where I loved to work and got where I loved to study ... atfirst struggled with my admissions, met the crazy old man, did the assignments, went for a shoot etc... it never ended. I worked and studied. I had to put a stop to something, had to be my internship. So sadly i had to leave that place. The place where everyday was a great learning experience, more than that the responsibilty and the trust that people and colleagues built up for me. Being respected for who i am and what i work.
anywy, caught my facourite tv show so .. i guess this turned out to be a rollercoaster reading experience for YOU! :)


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Me = College + Fun + Work + Fun + LIFE!

It's always been that have been a fun person all the while. A lazy ass to work and very lazy to make an effort. Off lately all of this sounds a little Unlike me for now. Maybe cause I got an internship. I never expected to intern at someplace which I wanted to. There were a few things in my to-do list and one of them was intering for a music channel, I thought, It's just another crazy thought.Well, here I am sitting in my office WORKING, Enjoying and happy with my life. This is exactly the kind of life I wished for. A good Internship/job with a good college . Though at times , college gets a little hard as work gets a little more harder. There's one thing I can't do No matter whatever I try to do. Its so ODD. I can't be puntcual . Even though, I leave an hour in advance I end up Reaching LATE. I can't evenjustify cause then it'll just be like another excuse ...
Anyway, With the good comes the bad. You can't really avoid. What I can avoid right now is some pressure on me ! There's not much around to be tensed up but you never know what's there in store for you. Anyway, I am happy for one thing, people appreciate me for who I am. Then, my photography has taken a lil break. I hope I catch up ...

Till then... I use my mind. CLICK CLICK .. i am missing My Click!!!